Saturday, January 3, 2015

French puff pastry 法式千層酥

French puff pastry 法式千層酥

出自Layers baking with Gregoire Michaud 一書

可以做一塊約25x 25cm



  • 低筋麵粉 100g
  • 牛油 20g
  • 鹽 3g
  • 水 45g

  • 牛油 75g
  • 低筋麵粉 22g



1. 油酥材料合成柔滑狀,沒有結塊,做成約1 cm 厚的長方形。
2. 混合水油麵團,搓成有彈成的麵團,用保鮮紙包好。
3. 油酥及水油麵團放雪櫃鬆筋1小時。
4. 水油麵團壓平面績約油酥的兩倍大,油酥放中間,將另一邊的水油麵團摺過來,蓋在油酥上,四周包好。
5. 做2 次單覆摺,在雪箱鬆筋30分鐘,再做1次單覆摺。
6. 麵團在使用前放雪櫃內鬆筋1小時。
7. 壓平用。

1. 不建議夏天做千層酥,因爲天氣太熱牛油會溶得很快,令水皮爆皮,以致難以用麵棍壓成一層層的水皮及油皮的麵團。
2. 牛油皮及水皮要冷藏至相同的温度令壓麵團壓出一致性。 3. 見到有牛油溶的時候就放入雪櫃雪一段時間再取出壓,視乎情況,15-30分鐘不等。 

custord bun and custard puff

Custard Bun 吉士忌廉麵包


今次用了Carol 的食譜:


  • 高筋麵粉 270g
  • 低筋麵粉 30g
  • 速發乾酵母 3/4teaspoon
  • 雞蛋 1隻
  • 鮮奶 140ml
  • 細砂糖 30g
  • 牛油 30g
  • 鹽 1/4 teaspoon
  • 吉士醬 適量 (做法可以參考這篇)






可以做6-7個約5cm 的泡芙

  • 水 50ml
  • 室温牛油 23g
  • 高筋麵粉 30g
  • 雞蛋 1隻 (另外要少少蛋液掃在泡芙上)

  • 牛奶 125ml
  • vanilla extract  1/2 teaspoon
  • 蛋黃 1.5個
  • 砂糖 37g
  • 低筋麵粉 12g

3.將麵團放在另一個大碗中待涼約5-10分鐘,如果太熱會令蛋液煮熟,一邊加蛋液一路攪拌, (我覺得用木棍攪就可以),加至大半隻蛋時要檢查麵團,如果麵糊流下時呈現倒三角的條就可以,如果太硬就可以再加少少蛋液攪拌再檢查,不要一次過全加,因爲太稀就不能成形。
4.入擠袋,在牛油紙上擠出泡芙,每個約5cm 直徑。 每個泡芙掃上少少蛋液作保濕作用,但掃太多就會影響膨漲,又或者用少許水都可以。


1. 在鍋內放入牛奶,vanilla extract 及少量砂糖(牛奶10%重量),煮滾後離火。
2. 打散蛋黃,加入砂糖混合。
3. 加入過篩的低筋麵粉混合,直至沒有粉粒。
4. 先加入一半的熱牛奶攪混,加入餘下另一半再混合。
5. 過篩,在鍋內再次加熱,中途要用木棍不停搞,直至稠身custard 狀,熄火。
6. 倒入碗中,蓋上保鮮紙,保鮮紙要貼住custard 防止表面結皮,放入雪櫃。

brownie easy,意式奶凍,松露軟心朱古力 for own reference

材料: 12 個小的份量
  • 50g 牛油
  • 100g dark chocolate 切碎
  • 2 雞蛋
  • 50g 糖
  • 50g 低粉
  • 0.5 tea spoon baking powder
  • 15g cocoa powder

  1.  預熱焗爐至160度15分鐘
  2. 首先將牛油及dark chocolate 隔熱水坐溶
  3. 雞蛋加糖用打蛋器或攪拌器打發至淺黃色
  4. 將2. 冷郤後慢慢加入3.中
  5. 低筋麵粉,cocoa powder 及baking powder (其餘的材料)加入4.中
  6. 將5.入模,放進焗爐焗20分鐘


Chocolate truffles松露軟心朱古力

情人節又點少得朱古力! 只要4樣材料就可以親手做朱古力送給你的朋友,家人及愛人。


•朱古力 70g (兩包lindt 朱古力 70% 可可, 如果不喜歡吃太苦可以選擇較低可可%)
•淡忌廉 35g
•牛油 7g
•可可粉/綠茶粉/果仁 適量

2.淡忌廉隔熱水加熱, 加入朱古力碎,當朱古力半溶熄火,用快子快速混合忌廉及朱古力。


Panna Cotta 意式奶凍  (3 cups)

Panna Cotta 層
  •  一盒小的奶236 ml (可以用全脂奶,我用了脫脂奶)
  • 64ml Cream (奶跟cream 的比例可隨意調校的)
  • 魚膠粉 3.5 teaspoon (最重要的是這個比例,1teaspoon 的魚膠粉可以用80-100ml 的液體,如果你想硬點你可以用相對少點水。我今次的比例有點硬,我建議用2.5-3 teaspoon)
  • 砂糖 2 茶匙(可以隨你的甜意)
  • 士多啤梨六顆
  • 砂糖 4 茶匙

  1. 首先用2-4 teaspoons 的牛奶浸軟魚膠粉,大概浸10分鐘,如果魚膠粉完全吸收了牛奶,你可以再加多一點牛奶令所有魚膠粉完全溶透
  2. 把cream ,牛奶,魚膠粉溶液,砂糖用小火煮滾
  3. 把2.放入杯中在冰箱冷藏
  4. 把士多啤梨切細粒再搞成溶加砂糖在小鍋中煮,煮到有點膠的質感
  5. 最後把4.放在3.上便完成


Pierre Herme moist and nutty brownie 布朗尼

昨夜做了這個 Pierre Hermes 的brownie,做完都10點多,但這個brownie我個人實在覺得太好吃,下了很多的果仁,而且我用了我最喜愛的valrhona 70%可可,每一口都很朱古力,很果仁,很濕潤,睡覺前都忍不住要吃,大師的食譜果然與眾不同!

(6’ x 6' 正方形模) 可以做9件

  • 可可64g        
  • 牛油116g        
  • 雞蛋 98g        
  • 砂糖 70g  (原食譜放111g 砂糖)      
  • 低筋麵粉 62g        
  • 核桃 64g (去衣焗幾分鐘,切粗粒)

1. 坐溶朱古力,待涼至40-45度。

2. 用刮刀壓軟牛油至creamy,加入朱古力,雞蛋遂隻加入攪混。 

3. 加入砂糖用打蛋器攪混。(不明白爲什麼加了朱古力才加砂糖,不過照跟大師試做,用打蛋器都可以攪混) 

4. 加入過篩的麵粉及烤過的核桃,用刮刀輕力攪混。 

5. 倒入鋪有牛油紙的模內。
6. 放入預熱180度的焗爐焗19-22分鐘。

7. 取出放涼架放20-30分鐘。 
8. 脫模,撒走牛油紙,放涼20-30分鐘至室温,切小件。


eclairs 是閃電的意思,是一種長形的法式泡芙,根說是因爲太好吃,法國人吃得快如閃電所以得名。eclairs 有很多的變化,日式多以custard cream 做餡,如市面上地鐵站內的商店吃到的大大泡芙,另外也有不同味道的cream  做餡,例如chocolate, coffee, 甚至鮮果味的cream 。法國有些商店甚至有咸味的eclairs,中間用ham ,cheese ,foie gras 等做餡,比起硬磞磞的三文治法包,這也不錯。今天做了一個用custard cream 做餡再加chocolate ganache 做外皮。

Pâté a choux 泡芙

  • 牛油 25g
  • 水 62.5g
  • 鹽 1g
  • 細砂糖 1g
  • 低筋麵粉 37.5g
  • 蛋 1個

custard cream 奶油餡

  • 牛奶 250g
  • 細砂糖 60g
  • 蛋黃 3個
  • 低筋麵粉 15g
  • 玉米粉 10g
  • Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon 

Ganache 朱古力面

  • 朱古力 40g 
  • 鮮奶油 40g

  1. 首先,先做奶油餡。將vanilla extract 及一半砂糖放進牛奶中,用小火煲熱。
  2. 蛋黃加入剩餘的砂糖攪拌,再加入玉米粉及麵粉混合。
  3. 當1. 煮滾後,先將一半的牛奶加入2. 中混合,充分混合後再加入剩下的牛奶混合。
  4. 將3.放入小煱中加熱煮稠,直到煱底發出煮沸的聲音。
  5. 將4.放入容器中待涼,用保鮮紙包實放入冰箱

  1. 再到煮泡芙,先將牛油切粒,再把牛油放入小煱中,加入水,鹽,砂糖,加熱到滾。
  2. 待所有牛油粒溶化後,將小煱移開火爐,加入篩過的麵粉,用木棍迅速攪拌,待充分混合後再把小煱放上火爐加熱,用木棍不停炒,令水份蒸發。
  3. 當麵團炒到一團而不沾煱時就可以把小爐移離火爐。
  4. 如果麵團太熱就要先待涼(麵團如果超過60度雞蛋就會煮熟),分三次加入雞蛋漿混合,先把三分一的蛋漿加入,攪拌,重覆以上動。
  5. 要檢查麵團的狀態,如果如下圖中,麵糊流下時呈現倒三角的條就可以。
  6. 把5.入擠袋,大概可以擠出7 條的份量,用叉子在麵糊上劃出直線
  7. 放入已預熱180度的焗爐焗20-25分鐘,再開焗爐的門焗5分鐘

  1. 最後做chocolate ganache,用微波爐將牛油加熱至溶。
  2. 朱古切小粒,放入溶掉的牛油中攪拌成至滑順狀態。
  3. 將custard cream 入擠袋,烤焗好的泡芙取出,在泡芙的底部用擠咀刺三個小孔,擠入custard cream。
  4. 泡芙的外層塗上chocolate ganache

Thursday, January 1, 2015



  • 12 ounces milk chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 4 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • cup double cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 tablespoons bourbon or orange, coffee or hazelnut liqueur, optional
  • Dippers like pretzels, pound cake, crisp bacon, crisps, strawberries, waffles and cookies


How to make Slow Cooker Chocolate Fondue
Put the milk chocolate, dark chocolate, cream, milk, vanilla and salt in a 6-cup heatproof glass bowl that will fit completely inside a 3- to 4-quart slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 45 minutes.
Uncover and stir the chocolate mixture until smooth. Stir in the bourbon or liqueur if using. Continue to cook, covered, until the chocolate is completely melted and warm, 15 to 30 minutes. Whiskthe mixture until smooth. Switch the slow cooker to the warm setting and either spoon the chocolate mixture into small serving bowls or serve it right out of the slow cooker with assorted dippers on the side.
Tip: While keeping the fondue warm, water will collect on the inside of the lid of the slow cooker; when you remove the lid to stir the fondue, wipe the excess water off as too much water dripping into the chocolate will eventually cause it to seize or separate.

  • For the White Chocolate Mousse (makes about 3 cups):

  • 8 ounces white chocolate, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 2 teaspoons gelatine powder, softened in 3 Tbsp cold water
  • cup whipping cream
  • For the Chocolate Cups:

  • 8-10 mini balloons
  • 4 ounces dark chocolate, chopped
  • 1 recipe White Chocolate Mouse, chilled
  • Raspberries or chocolate shavings, for garnish


How to make Chocolate Mousse Cups
For the white chocolate mousse, place the white chocolate and butter in a medium bowl, with a strainer placed over it. Heat the milk to just below a simmer. In a separate bowl, whisk the yolks, sugar and cornflour together. whisk the hot milk into the egg mixture gradually, whisking while adding. Return this to the pot and continue to whiskover medium heat until glossy and thickened, about 4 minutes then stir in the softened gelatin. Pour this through the strainer and stir until the chocolate and butter has melted. Cool the chocolate mixture to room temperature.
Whip the cream until it holds a soft peak and fold this into the chocolate mixture. Chill the mousse until set slightly but still soft, about 90 minutes.
For the Chocolate cups
For the chocolate cups, inflate and tie the mini balloons. Give them a little wipe with a damp cloth and allow them to dry. Have ready a parchment-lined baking tray.
Melt the chocolate in a metal bowl, placed over a pot of barely simmering water, stirring gently until melted. Remove the chocolate from the heat.
Dip the balloons halfway into the chocolate on a angle, and lift and rotate as dipping repeatedly, creating a tulip shape. Shake off excess chocolate and place each balloon onto the parchment-lined tray. Chill the balloons until the chocolate has set.
Use a pin to gently pop the balloon and let the air out slowly. Lift the balloon out of the cup and discard. Pipe the white chocolate mousse into the cups and top with raspberries or chocolate shavings. Chill until ready to serve.

Post image for The Best Chocolate Cake

The Best Chocolate Cake

OCTOBER 11TH, 2011
YIELD: 8 servings
PREP TIME: 25 minutes


2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tablespoons King Arthur Flour Black Cocoa, optional
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup strong black coffee (I used Green Mountain Coffee’s Vermont Country Blend)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract


1. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour two 9-inch round baking pans or one 13x9x2-inch baking pan. Set aside.
2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or in a large bowl with an electric mixer, combine the sugar, flour, cocoa(s), baking soda, baking powder and salt. Mix on low until dry ingredients are thoroughly combined. Add eggs, buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla. Beat on medium speed for about two minutes; the batter will be thin. Pour batter evenly into prepared pans.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes for round pans, 35 to 40 minutes for rectangular pan or until wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely.
4. Frost as desired. I used a simple and delicious Chocolate Buttercream Frosting from Savory Sweet Life. One batch was perfect for this layered chocolate cake.


- The Black Cocoa from King Arthur Flour is optional - it simply provides a great depth of flavor and color to the chocolate cake.
- This cake also pairs beautifully with a simple chocolate ganache.



  • For the cake:

  • 125ml boiling water
  • 56g unsweetened chocolate, chopped
  • 60g unsalted butter, cut into pieces
  • 1 large egg, room temperature
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 160g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 125ml hot, strongly brewed coffee
  • For the mousse:

  • 720ml whipping cream, divided
  • 340ml milk chocolate, chopped
  • 3 large egg yolks, room temperature
  • 100g sugar
  • 80ml water
  • For the chocolate glaze:

  • 125ml water
  • 100g sugar
  • 60ml whipping cream
  • 60g Dutch process cocoa powder, sifted
  • 1 1/2 tbsp unflavoured gelatine powder


How to make Rich Chocolate Mousse Cake
1. For the cake, preheat the oven to 160°C. Grease 2 8-inch round cake pans, line the bottoms with parchment paper and then lightly dust the sides of the pan with flour, tapping out any excess. *Please note that only 1 cake layer is needed for this recipe, but it is easiest to make this recipe in its full measure and freeze the second cake for a later use.
2. whisk the boiling water, chocolate and butter together until melted (it will be visibly grainy) and set aside.
3. whip the egg, sugar and vanilla until the mixture doubles in volume (about 2 minutes on high speed) and then fold in the chocolate mixture by hand.
4. Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt over the batter and fold in, then stir in the hot coffee (this will make the batter become fluid). Divide the batter evenly between the 2 pans.
5. Bake the cakes for about 25 minutes, until a tester inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool completely in the pans.
6. For the mousse, have ready a 9-inch springform pan, lining the bottom with parchment paper (in order to make the mousse-filled cake easier to remove from the pan). whip 360ml of the whippingcream until it holds a medium peak when the beaters are lifted and chill.
7. Heat the remaining 360ml of cream to just below a simmer and then pour it over the chopped chocolate. Let this sit one minute, then gently stir until incorporated. Set aside.
8. Place the egg yolks in a bowl and whip for a minute on high speed. Place the sugar and water in a small saucepot over high heat and boil (occasionally brushing the sides of the pot with water) until it reaches 120°C on a candy thermometer. Start whipping the egg yolks on medium speed and then carefully pour the hot sugar down the side of the bowl to avoid splashing, and then increase the mixer speed until high and whip until this has doubled in volume and cooled to about 40°C (just above body temperature).
9. Measure the temperature of the ganache to ensure it is close to 40°C as well, and fold the ganache into the whipped yolks. Let this cool for 15 minutes, or until just above room temperature, then fold in the chilled whipped cream in 2 additions.
10. Pour half of the mousse into the ungreased springform pan. Sliceone of the cake layers in half horizontally and place this over the mousse, as centred as possible. Pour the remaining mousse over the cake layer and gently place the other half of the cake layer on top, pressing gently just so the mousse covers the sides of the cake, but not so that it sinks in. Wrap the pan in plastic wrap and freeze the cake to set it, at least 4 hours, or overnight.
11. While the cake is setting, prepare the glaze. Bring the water, sugar, and cream to a boil in a medium saucepot. Once boiling, whisk in the cocoa powder and simmer (reducing the heat if needed) for 4 minutes, stirring often, (the consistency will not change). Remove from heat. Soften the gelatin in 60ml of cold water and then whisk this into the hot cocoa mixture until dissolved. Cool the glaze to room temperature, then chill completely, at least 3 hours.
12. To finish the cake, remove it from the freezer invert the pan onto a cooling rack placed over a parchment-lined baking tray. Use a hair dryer on a low, hot setting to gently warm the pan so that it releases from the pan, the sides first and then the top. Warm the chilled glaze while whisking occasionally until just melted and smooth and pour this over the torte, spreading gently with a spatula to ensure that it covers the top and sides of the torte evenly. Chill the cake for at least 30 minutes, then lift it onto your presentation plate and store chilled until ready to serve.
13. The cake will keep, refrigerated, for up to 4 days.


  • For the cake:

  • Cooking spray
  • 2 3/4 cups plain flour, spooned and leveled, plus more for dusting the pans
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
  • 1/4 cup very hot water
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons white distilled vinegar
  • 1 1/4 cups vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • One 1-ounce bottle red food coloring (about 2 tablespoons)
  • For the frosting:

  • Two 8-ounce packages cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/2 sticks (12 tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch fine salt
  • cups icing sugar
  • 1 tablespoon milk, if needed
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How to make Red Velvet Cake
1. For the cake: Position an oven rack in the middle of the oven, and preheat to 350 degrees F. Coat two 9-inch round cake pans with cooking spray; dust with flour, and tap out the excess.
2. Whisk together the flour, granulated sugar, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl; set aside. Stir together the hot water and cocoa powder in a small bowl until smooth; let cool slightly. Stir together the milk and vinegar in another small bowl, and let stand until thickened, 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Whisk together the oil, eggs and vanilla in a large bowl until smooth. Whisk in the red food coloring and the cocoa mixture. Alternate whisking in the flour mixture in three additions and the milk in two, starting and ending with the flour, until just combined. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans.
4. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes in the pans, turn out onto cooling racks and let cool completely.
5. For the frosting: While the cake layers are cooling, beat the cream cheese, butter, vanilla and salt with an electric mixer on medium speed in a large bowl until smooth and fluffy. Gradually beat in the icing sugar until smooth. Increase the speed to high, and beat until very fluffy and there is no gritty texture left from the sugar. Beat in the milk to adjust the consistency if the frosting seems too thick.
6. To assemble: Place one cake layer bottom-side down on a cake plate. Top with 1 cup of the frosting, and spread to the edge. Top with the second layer, and frost the top and sides with the remaining frosting. If the frosting becomes too soft while assembling the cake, briefly chill the cake and frosting and then finish frosting.
7. You can bake the cake layers the day before assembling and serving the cake; wrap them in plastic wrap and then foil, and store at room temperature. Or you can bake and assemble the cake the day before, refrigerate it overnight and let stand at room temperature for a few hours before serving.